Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Paper The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Paper Heres much to do with hate but more with love This quotation from Romeo can in fact describe the whole play. The word more shows the power of love to overcome hatred. However, in Romeo and Juliet there are several different types of love demonstrated. For example, characters such as Mercutio can be seen using sexual innuendos and bawdy language. In the play, there is evidence of brotherly love, shown to Romeo by Benvolio; motherly love from the Nurse towards Juliet; and fatherly love shown by Friar Lawrence towards Romeo; a suitor who offers wealth and power, is shown in the character of Paris. On one hand there is Romeo and Juliet who show a very passionate and romantic form of love. Romeo and Juliets love is different from everyone elses thoughts. For them, marriage is completely based upon true love. Others, it may be for power, wealth and recognition.Romeo is one of the protagonists in the play. He comes across as a very romantic and mature teenager who feels the in the deepest l ove for Juliet who he met at Lord Capulets party. O she doth teach the torches to burn bright. What is her mother? These are his words to Nurse and her answer reveals that his to see if only love has come from his only hate.But this is not the first time Romeo was in love.He loves Rosaline in the beginning of the play because that is what he thinks is the manly thing to do. But later he falls in love with Juliet. But once he has set his eyes on her, he completely forgets about Rosaline. Romeo presents Rosaline as having wit and being strong, as she will not be hit with Cupids arrow(Act 1 scene 1, lines 203-204), she lives unharmed(line 205) which means secure against his advances is rich in beauty.Mercutios attitude towards love is very sarcastic; it is uses bawdy humour and innuendo. Mercutio is always twisting words so that they become rude. One innuendo he uses would beAn open-arse, thou poprin pear. Mercutio is not at all a the person who would show any sign of affection, but a person who would joke about love and feelings. He mocks Romeo when he hears about Romeos love for Rosaline. Sampson, Gregory and the Nurse all use bawdy humour, but Mercutio is the wittiest. this is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, That presses them and learns them first to bear, making them women of good carriage. This is she- He is constantly punning, this shows how he generally behaves. Mercutio does not provide much help to the love of Romeo and Juliet mainly because he doesnt know about their secret love, but even if he did know he is the kind of character who would mock. He thinks that Romeo is wasting his time with Rosaline, and mocks him.At the beginning of Act 2 Scene 3, Friar Lawrence thinks that Romeo. He treats Romeo like a son, as Friar has known him since he was born.Young son, it argues a distemperd head which means that Romeo, a young man should be getting sleep and shouldnt be disturbedBut where unbruised youth with unstuffd brain meaning Romeo shoudnt have a ny worries when going to sleep unlike an older man like Friar Lawrence that stay awake with worries.Friar Lawrence is happy when Romeo says I have forgot that name when he is asked about Rosaline. Young Romeo then tells Frair Lawrence that he is certain he loves Juliet. Friar Lawrence then goes to mock Romeo by sayingNot truly in their hearts, but in their eyes Friar Lawrence does not believe Romeo is really in love, but only cares about their appearance i.e. their looks. Friar Lawrence shows love in this scene towards Romeo by taking great interests in what he is doing, but also by doing the type of things a father would do. The sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness The Friar says this to Romeo suggesting that anticipation is more than what it turns out to be.Friar Lawrence marries the couple and tries to help them whenever possible. He wants the best for them and thinks that if they marry then possibly the feuding will end; In one respect Ill thy assistant be: for t his may so happy prove, to turn your households rancour to pure loveThe Nurse in Romeo and Juliet is a character who is treats Juliet as her own child. She has always been looking after Juliet since she was a baby. Even though Juliets real mother is Lady Capulet, she does not seem to be so interested in her. People only hired people like the Nurse if they were very wealthy and powerful. Juliet and the Nurse are closer to each other than Juliet and lady Capulet have ever been. The nurse has a blunt attitude towards love and sex, but s affectionate and loving woman who wants Juliet to be happy. In the beginning, the nurse aids Juliets love for Romeo but in the end she tries to persuade Juliet to marry Paris.Old Capulet has a certain type of love towards his daughter Juliet; he has never really bonded with her a lot. Capulet was saying just before how his daughter is really young to be married and soon marrd are those so early made but Paris is arguing and saying that there are girls y ounger than Juliet that have got married. This means that Capulet, as a concerned father thinks those who get married too young could end up being hurt, and if Juliet does not choose Paris as the one she loves, he should love her anyway. I think he shows a caring side here because he is worried about the age of Juliet. He also says if Juliet picks Paris out as someone she loves then Capulet will agree. When the audience hear Lord Capulet in act 4, scene 5 and act 5 scene 4 they would be shocked because due to his sudden reaction when he hears that Juliet refuses to marry Paris. He is so angry that he cant keep his feelings in.Benvolio is Romeos cousin, and is also one of his closest relatives. He definitely shows a very caring character treating Romeo with respect, as if he was his brother. He is always advising Romeo what to do. Be ruld by me, forget to think of her, by giving liberty into mine eyes, examine other beautiesTybalt is part of the Capulet family and is very protective over what his family represent. He is willing to fight for his life, as we can see with an incident occurring with Romeo. When Tybalt realises that his most hated enemies are attending their party, he goes straight to the head of the house (Capulet) and complains he wants them to leave at once. Tis he, that villain Romeo. Capulet considers the ideas of Tybalt but realises that there will be an uproar and the party will most likely be spoilt. Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone, A bears him like a portly gentlemanParis is the man whom Capulet wants Juliet to marry. Paris explains his feelings for Juliet to Capulet. It seems that Paris does love Juliet because when Romeo kills him he asks to be put in her tomb, If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet.In conclusion, the play of Romeo and Juliet, shows many different types of love. Romantic and true love compared with courtly unrequited love and the sexual love of Mercutio. It also compares the fatherly love of the Fr iar with that of Capulet and the motherly love of the nurse with that of Lady Capulet. Benvolio and Tybalt meanwhile illustrate brotherly love and the extreme love of the family name. In the play, it is less to do with love and more about wealth and family status. In act 5, scene 3, Romeo resolves to kill himself that night in Capulets monument. I think this is a brave decision, because it shows the depth of his love for Juliet. It is extremely romantic act this love feel I, that feel no love in this. The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Essay The Theme of Love in Romeo and Juliet Essay Essay Topic: Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare presents love in different forms. He presents loving family loyalty whenever rivals brawl to protect family honour. Baz Luhrmann sets the civil brawl in a petrol station – unlike Shakespeare’s setting – symbolising the situation’s volatility; Tybalt ignites petrol by dropping his cigarette, thus representing the spark that ignites the brawl. Shakespeare later shows Tybalts strong family loyalty: â€Å"Now by the stock and honour of my kin, to strike him dead I hold it not a sin. † Tybalt must passionately love Capulets, to risk his life and kill someone, for family honour. Shakespeare portrays love between rivals when Lady Montague commands Montague: â€Å"Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe † thus protecting Capulets. Capulet protects Romeo from Tybalt: â€Å"I would not for the wealth of all this town Here in my house do him disparagement;† Shakespeare’s Romeo was uninvited, so Capulet protecting him suggests stronger love between rivals than depicted in Luhrmann’s film. Shakespeare and Luhrmann present paternal love when Romeo’s parents fret about him and when Capulet protects Juliet from an arranged marriage. Unrequited love features between Romeo and Rosaline then Paris and Juliet. â€Å"Out of her favour where I am in love†, shows Rosaline does not reciprocate Romeo’s love. Romeo’s unnatural, oxymoronic imagery: â€Å"loving hate heavy lightness cold fire † presents unrequited love as confusing and unnatural. Paris’ unrequited love for Juliet emphasises the strength of her love for Romeo, because Juliet loses everyone who loves her, rather than losing him. She loses Capulet: â€Å"you shall not house with me† Lady Capulet: â€Å"I have done with thee and nurse: †Romeo’s a dishclout to him†. In Shakespeare’s play, Paris dies: â€Å"I am slain † and Friar Lawrence abandons Juliet: â€Å"I dare no longer stay †, making Romeo and Juliet’s love seem stronger than in Luhrmann’s film. A shared sonnet of lovers’ prose at the party makes their romantic love and connection appear strong. Luh rmann uses white to symbolise strong love: whenever with Romeo, Juliet wears white, emphasising the strength of their love in a way Shakespeare does not. Shakespeare and Luhrmann show love’s evolution; I cited how Capulet’s paternal love for Juliet become fury, whilst Romeo and Juliet’s love evolves from superficial to sacrificial. This tragic contrast between Juliet’s love for Romeo deepening, but her family’s love becoming rage, emphasises hate’s connection to love. Initially, Romeo appears focussed on looks shown by extravagantly hyperbolic description of beauty. Later, natural imagery reflects their natural love: â€Å"This bud of love, by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower Ultimately, both commit suicide, to be together, showing their love has become deep and sacrificial. Whilst Luhrmann places a fish tank between Romeo and Juliet, symbolising separation – caused by family enmity – forcing them to yearn, but never be together, even though their love evolves, Shakespeare shows that family enmity causes separation, when Romeo and Juliet die and family enmity, and therefore separation, disintegrate: â€Å"O brother Montague, give me (Capulet) thy hand. † After the civil brawl, Romeo says: â€Å"Here’s much to do with hate but more with love. Implying brawls are caused by Benvolio loving Montagues and protecting family honour. Tybalt reinforces this: â€Å"Now by the stock and honour of my kin, to strike him dead I hold it not a sin. † This shows familial love engendering hatred for the rival family. Upon realising Romeo’s name, Juliet says: â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate † showing love’s relationship with hate. In Shakespeares play unlike Luhrmanns film Paris and Romeo fight because they love Juliet, so love and hate are more intertwined. In Shakespeare’s death scene, Romeo says: â€Å"Forgive me cousin (Tybalt)†, showing that, although Romeo hated Tybalt for killing Mercutio, love for Tybalt vanquished hate for him, depicting love as a stronger force; Shakespeare shows love conquering hatred again, when love replaces family enmity: â€Å"O brother Montague, give me (Capulet) thy hand. † In Luhrmann’s film, love never conquers hatred, so is less dominant. Upon hearing of Juliet’s death, Romeo recognises fate or ‘stars’ control him: â€Å"I defy you stars†, Shakespeare means Romeo will kill himself, thus defying his fate, which Romeo believes is to lose Juliet. World-wearied flesh† and â€Å"Shake the yoke of inauspicious stars† shows Romeo cannot live without Juliet, so encourages fate to pull him faster towards death and his fate. Romeo predicts a tragic outcome of the party: â€Å"Some consequence yet hanging in the stars†. â€Å"He that hath steerage of my course Direct my sail † shows a conscience controls his fate. After killing Tybalt, Romeo personifies this conscience as ‘Fortune’: â€Å"I am fortune’s fool † suggesting Fortune betrayed him. Fate has such control, the prologue predicts the tragedy: â€Å"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life ; â€Å"fatal loins† shows Death’s and Fate’s involvement from birth; â€Å"star-crossed lovers take their life† reinforces this, because fate made them meet and commit suicide. Luhrmann’s use of a newsreader as the choric voice establishes the modern setting; when Friar Lawrence repeats the prologue, Luhrmann emphasises his crucial role in their fates, in a way Shakespeare does not. Death’s central role extends beyond the prologue. Death caused the tragedy: Mercutio’s death led to Tybalt’s death, which led to Paris’s and Romeo’s deaths, which resulted in Lady Montague’s and Juliet’s deaths. Love is also a contributing factor in Shakespeare’s play, but less so in Luhrmann’s film; killing Tybalt, Paris and himself are impulsive actions, caused by love – for Mercutio and Juliet – which Romeo later regrets. Neither Paris’s death nor the quotation: â€Å"Forgive me cousin† occur in Luhrmann’s film; instead, Romeo’s progress towards Juliet and his death appears measured and calm. These differences suggest Luhrmann’s tragedy was not caused by love-induced impulsive actions; so Shakespeare’s play suggests love and death caused the tragedy, whereas Luhrmann’s film suggests death is the only cause. On the other hand, Romeo is measured and calm in Luhrmann’s film, because there is no urgency, whereas in Shakespeare’s play, the Page causes urgency: â€Å"I will go call the watch†, which could suggest the suicide is more to do with desperation than love, suggesting love is more dominant in Luhrmann’s film. Shakespeare also links death to love, by linking the banquet where Romeo and Juliet fall in love to the death scene. Before dying, Romeo kisses Juliet: â€Å"Thus with a kiss I die † and Juliet kisses Romeo: â€Å"I will kiss thy lips † Shakespeare links these kisses to their first kisses, emphasising that love caused their deaths. In Luhrmann’s film, Romeo takes drugs before the party: â€Å"Thy drugs are quick † this is also his last line before dying, hinting that the banquet where they fell in love caused their deaths; this means love and death are intertwined closer than in Shakespeare’s play, where Romeo takes no drugs before the party. Love and death are also connected in Shakespeare’s play, by contrasting light and dark, when Romeo describes the brightness of his lover: â€Å"her (Juliet’s) beauty makes This vault a feasting presence full of light†, then the darkness of the deathly tomb: â€Å"This place of dim light†. In Luhrmann’s Balcony scene, light symbolises Juliet and love, but there is no contrast between her light and the dark of the tomb; weakening the connection between light and dark. The link between love and death is further emphasised in Shakespeare’s death scene, when Juliet lovingly describes means of killing herself: â€Å"Happy dagger† and â€Å"Friendly drop†. This shows Juliet would love to die and emphasises the connection between love and death; because, in Luhrmann’s death scene, she only says: â€Å"Friendly drop†, the connection between love and death appears weaker. Romeo personifies Death in the death scene: â€Å"Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath†, identifying Death as a conscience. He then ponders why Death took Juliet: â€Å"Shall I believe that unsubstantial Death is amorous And keeps Thee here in the dark to be his paramour? † This rhetorical question suggests Death killed Juliet because he loved her; this quotation and the next emphasise links between love and death. â€Å"Seal with a righteous kiss A dateless bargain to engrossing Death † means when kissing Juliet, Romeo seals a bargain that he would die for her love.

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