Sunday, November 3, 2019

History of Darfur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of Darfur - Essay Example The crisis was also caused by the use of the military to oppress the people, as these soldiers were sent to the area that overtook the people and denied them their rights to life and to dignity, in which case they started violating the women, and even started targeting civilians (Jibril 2010, 5). The attack on civilians was a major contributor to the conflict as it was the only soldiers who were armed, and the people suffering were the innocent as their alleged crime was being of the wrong religion and being of a different race from that which they were expected to be. The escalation of the conflict occurred with the presence of the military, which displaced the civilians from the Darfur region, and the people were forced to retaliate, which inspired the killings perpetrated by the military officers. In the Darfur conflict, china played a key role, which is embarrassing to the Chinese government as it was part of the parties that fuelled and waged war in the region. This is because, Sudan has faced sanctions for a long time, which have seen the country’s economy face a sump and in some cases come to a complete halt. However, since china is a major consumer of oil, it turned to Sudan as a source of oil, in which case it funded the Khartoum government and even built infrastructure (Danby 2007, 2). However, this was not the end of the Chinese affair with Sudan as it acted as the main supplier of arms to the country, in which case it is the same weapons and arms that were used in the Darfur crisis. Therefore, china waged war through the government, where the Sudanese government failed to meet the grievances of the people and the Chinese provided armaments that the soldiers used to kill people in Darfur so that the Chinese could get access to oil. This was a violation of the international sanctions placed on Sudan, including the arms embargo that still stands, where it supplied weapons and benefitted grandly from the conflict. The United Nations African Missi on in Darfur was a joint mission authorized in 2007 to contain the conflict in the Darfur region, where it was charged with the mandate to stop the killings, rape and enforce a ceasefire. Despite the huge amount of human resources directed towards the region to bring the whole conflict to a stop, little success can be seen as the forces face equally enormous challenges in protecting the civilians in the area due to the lack of political will to create a stable condition that will facilitate political negotiations. As a result, the UNAMID forces have not managed to bring the entire region to a stable condition and provide all the required humanitarian services that they were charge with the authority to deliver. In addition, the UNAMID forces intervention faces other challenges that include the insecure conditions with many hostilities from both sides of the warring factions. Interventions towards ensuring that the region resumes its stable condition include the use of the internatio nal criminal court to prosecute the president Omar al-Bashir. This is because with al-Bashir as the president and the leader of the government at the time of the conflict did not take responsibility of the people’s grievances, but instead opted to quell the uprising through force (BBC News, 2010). This was a genocidal situation in which many lost their lives warranting the ICC to issue arrest warrants against him, as it is his soldiers that committed crimes

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