Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Neolithic Revolution Paper Essay Example

Neolithic Revolution Paper Essay Example Neolithic Revolution Paper Essay Neolithic Revolution Paper Essay The Neolithic revolution paved the way for modern humans to advance in all aspects of daily life. During the Paleolithic era early humans lived nomadic life styles and traveled with their extended family. If early humans hadnt stumbled upon far mining we wouldnt have the social, economic, or religious foundations needed to form a civilization. But the discovery of a greater food source doesnt necessarily mea n better lives for everyone. Agriculture has its downsides and lead to slavery, patriarch y, and the modification of nature. The discovery of agriculture culminated the path to m Idem humans to become an advanced civilization. When early humans began to farm it created a social structure for present civilizations (Crash Course). Social structures are social organizations based o n similar characteristics between different relationships. These social structures began Neolithic towns such as Mesopotamia in which when people began to farm it I dead to a food surplus. Mesopotamia was located between the Euphrates and Tigris rive errs and is an excellent example of an early Neolithic town(Crash Course). People often g ether around reliable resources which is why you see so many civilizations around r Fivers (Acknowledge). But farming is a really complicated activity. So hard that pee people began to enslave other human beings and use them to create a free human la four force (Crash Course). This created a social hierarchy in Mesopotamia in which the SSL eaves are at the bottom of the chain and kings were at the top (Hierarchy Structure). Buy tin foraging societies they lived in isolated regions and had nomadic lifestyles. The eye lived wherever it was rich in game and had affordable foods (Acknowledge). The discovery of farming eventually lead to job specialization.

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