Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Make a recommendation for Free Range on how it should restructure to Essay

Make a recommendation for Free Range on how it should restructure to take its operations global - Essay Example Before analysing the two strategies, it is important to examine the facts and context of this paper, specifically those pertaining to Free Range. Firstly, the company has been in the market for a considerable amount of time (since the mid-1980s) and has remained sustainable despite similar businesses exiting the industry due to challenging conditions. Secondly, the company is very committed to social responsibility and the environment, which appear to guide its corporate policy. Thirdly, the company is in a good position financially. This is reflected by the fact that its sales have been growing by an average of 20 percent annually; this has given it a huge presence in the American cottage cheese segment. The three facts outlined above show that Free Range would benefit more from takeovers than mergers. Although mergers would give the company a sound platform on which to build its expansion program, there is a significant risk of compromising the company’s values, especially if it partners with much larger firms. Although it is established in the US, the company will face larger and more competitive rivals in the European and Latin American markets (Cartwright & Cooper, 2012). Merging with smaller companies would reduce the company’s expansion momentum while merging with larger firms would deny it the freedom and control it needs to define its corporate strategy. With its significant share of the US market and high sales revenues, Free Range has adequate capacity to successfully execute takeovers. Mergers do not suit the company’s status and profile, considering that the best option would be to partner with larger firms that would suppress its visibility. Takeovers offer more flexibility than mergers and Free Range needs to be as adaptable as possible. Through takeovers, the company can acquire midsized firms in foreign markets and use them

Monday, October 28, 2019

Teaching Art To Young Children Essay Example for Free

Teaching Art To Young Children Essay Some of the children stuck the squares of material outside the shoe outline at first but through discussion and questioning they understood that the material needed to go inside the outline. One child went to the Shoe Shop in nursery a got a shoe to copy a pattern on the side and the colour of the shoe, she had remembered from playing in their that the shoe was different from the others and had a pattern on it. Some of the children chose different colours and materials, whilst other children stuck to one colour or one type of material. One child that stood out chose red paper and ribbed card and she did a pattern repeating it over the shoe shape, she needs more opportunities to make patterns using a range of materials. All of the children were able to put glue onto their material and stick it down, but some children put the glue on the wrong side of the paper. A target was set for these children to practise gluing on the opposite side to the side they want to show/see.  The activity went well and the children enjoyed designing their own shoe. All the children met three out of the four learning objectives, they were able to choose colours and materials, use their own ideas when placing materials and they practised their gluing skills. The objective that most of the children found it difficult to describe was how things felt. They had a limited range of vocabulary, even though we had previously covered the subject. Suggesting describing words and asking the children if I was correct worked well as it helped some of them to recall words from previous lessons, other children were still unable to answer. In order for children to move further up the stepping-stones towards the Early Learning Goal for exploring media and materials they must begin to describe the texture of things. For the children who find this difficult more opportunities are needed for them to develop their ideas and vocabulary. Again the introduction and organisation of the activity worked well as the routine was used as in the previous activity. The children knew what to do and I was able to work well with three children at a time. My role during this activity was to explain the task again, to model what the children were to do by showing them a shoe I had designed. I continually asked the children about why they were choosing a certain colour or type of material and what it felt like, and if they were unsure I would tell them what I thought it felt like using describing words. The lesson was extremely appropriate as it linked well to the topic Hands and Feet and to the mini topic of the week The Elves and the Shoe Maker. Again the objective, like the previous activity, related well to the stepping-stones and the early learning goals. Through the collage the children were carrying out an effective and useful activity, which Morgan (1988) suggests is a link between visual and tactile experience. (p. 74) Through this activity the children were not only exploring and experimenting with ideas and materials, but also developing practical and essential skills that are the basis for the rest of their education. These activities have shown that the experience of art (creative development) contributes to the education of young children in many ways. It provides essential links and connections to help children develop life skills. Through art children can develop the ability and confidence to bring practical skills to a range of problems, sometimes in other subject areas. Whilst I was on my placement a child who really enjoyed the creative aspect of learning, who was still at the scribbling stage, worked extremely hard on a piece of work and was continually praised throughout the day. As her confidence grew, due to being praised for her artwork, her confidence and interest in other areas of learning grew. Children are able to develop and assess their own and others ideas, and choose what materials tools would best fit a job/task. Children are able to build up knowledge about the world around them through their senses by trial and error in art, using their own ideas and methods what ever their abilities/needs. Overall children enjoy art because it is fun, there are no rules to follow, they are free to explore, experiment, express themselves and learn by discovering things for themselves. Barnes (1987) suggested just how important art is,  To be involved in creative activity is to confront how we feel about things. Expressing a mood, emotion, or temperament through art becomes as valid as responding to another person, a moving sight, or a meaningful experience. Both responding and expressing through art puts us in touch with qualities, which are part of what make us human. As such they give special significance and meaning to what we see with our eyes and the inner of the mind. They touch on part of us that nothing else can. (p. 1) Bibliography Barnes, R (1987) Teaching Art To Young Children 4-9. Boston, Sydney and London. Allen and Unwin.  Bruce, T (1997) Early Childhood Education. Hodder and Stoughton.  Lewis, H (1966) Child Art. Publisher not known.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Essays on Kafkas Metamorphosis: A Response to Kafka :: Metamorphosis essays

   Gregor had alienated himself long before his metamorphosis into a beetle. His obsession with his job had dehumanized him, made him less personal and more mechanical. While on business trips, he began to lock his doors at night in the hotels. He carried this action back to his homelife. His family did not know him anymore partially because they took him for granted for making their money for them and partially because that was simply how he wanted in to be. Gregor's metamorphosis into a beetle only allowed his family and himself to consciously alienate him from society and the world.    As someone said to meI can't remember who it was-it is really remarkable that when you wake up in the morning you nearly always find everything in exactly the same place as the night before. For when asleep and dreaming you are, apparently at least, in as essentially different state from that of wakefulness; and therefore, as that man truly said, it requires enormous, presence of mind or rather quickness of wit, when opening your eyes to seize hold as it were of everything in the room at exactly the same place where you had let it go on the previous evening. That was why, he said, the moment of waking up was the riskiest moment of the say. Once that was well over without deflecting you from your orbit, you could take heart of grace for the rest of your day.    Gregor woke up one morning to find himself turned from a human being to a beetle. People found that to be extremely hard to grasp. Many felt as though Gregor should have been more shocked at this change, or at least less understanding towards it. But really, why should he? The only part about being a beetle that seemed to truly negatively shock Gregor was that he could no longer attend to his job at the office. Gregor's family life did not change drastically. His loss of relation with his family was nothing very new, there was a lacking of personal connection with his parents for quite awhile before hand. His parents treated him as a form of hired help since he had taken the job to pay for his

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nikki Giovani Comparing Poems Essay

Nikki Giovanni uses good choice of words and figurative language to put the reader in a vivid world. She uses vivid verbs, personification, and other elements to really give the right picture in your mind. Her method works because the readers get hooked onto the poem and want to read it. One of my favorite poems is â€Å"poetry.† Poetry is a poem about poets using poetry to express themselves and not to impress anybody. She uses metaphors to show what poetry is, she says â€Å"A poem is pure energy.† These types of metaphors help the reader picture what the poems trying to say. She also uses personification to also have a better understanding. Another one of Nikki Giovanni’s poems is â€Å"women.† I think that this poem talks about a woman who has been rejected. She uses metaphors to express how she feels. She says â€Å"I am glass† to say she is transparent. Nikki Giovanni uses metaphors and simile in both poems. She uses these so that readers will understand the poem better. This is a good way to get readers interested. She also uses other elements like repetition to emphasize it like when she repeats â€Å"I am glass I am glass.† In the poems â€Å"women† and â€Å"poetry† by Nikki Giovanni she uses different elements to express what she is trying to express. We talked about two metaphor and simile. The way she uses the different elements really goes along with the poems. It goes really well because it gives the readers pictures of what the poet is trying to express. This is why Nikki Giovanni’s method works good in poetry.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Neem Oil

NEEM (Azadirachta indica) OIL USED IN AN OIL BURNER AS INCENSE MOSQUITO REPELLENT LEADER: OCAMPO, YSABELLA ASST. LEADER: BALASOTO, JANUS MEMBERS: ALLASAS, PATRICIA CASTANARES, JASON MIRANDA, CHRISTIAN NEEM (Azadirachta indica) OIL USED IN AN OIL BURNER AS INCENSE MOSQUITO REPELLENT INTRODUCTION Mosquitoes are well-known pests to the entire human race. Later in the 90s, they discovered that these arthropods are also carriers responsible for transmission of devastating diseases to mankind. They transmit diseases by feeding on blood from vertebrates, including us humans.As years gone by, many studied: the relationship between the mosquitoes and the diseases they carry; the possible ways of eliminating or preventing the spread by these diseases in areas observed to have a large number of victims. Mosquitoes thrive in moist and relatively warm environments just like what Tropical Countries are. Tropical Countries are home to most number of species of mosquitoes. Our country, the Philippin es, is among the Tropical Countries. Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles are among the most common species of mosquitoes and they carry a vicious disease namely Dengue, Malaria and Yellow Fever which can kill a human.These diseases are common yet deadly diseases to us and the number of victims are still drastically increasing. This leaves some authorities arguing whether mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals to mankind. The average life span of the female mosquito is three to 100 days; the male mosquito will survive 10 to 20 days, but we are not waiting that long for the mosquitoes to die for us to be safe. Neem oil is a natural substance extracted from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen native to India.Long used in certain systems of traditional medicine (such as  ayurveda), neem oil is thought to offer a number of benefits when applied to the skin and/or hair. Neem oil contains several fatty acids thought to be beneficial to the skin, such as oleic acid an d linoleic acid. Some proponents also suggest that neem oil can act as a  natural insect repellent. Known as â€Å"azadirachtins,† certain compounds found in neem oil are thought to possess insecticidal properties. (Wong, 2012) In 1994 the the Malaria Research  Center  of Delhi, India tested whether kerosene lamps with 1% Neem oil can protect people from mosquito bites.For that test they burned the lamps in living rooms, and from 6 pm to 6 am caught the mosquitoes sitting on the walls and those attracted to human bait (i. e. volunteers). Neem oil clearly reduced the number of bites on the volunteers and also the number of mosquitoes caught. The protection was greater against anopheles species (the ones that transmit malaria) than against culex. A 1995 study at a field station at the Malaria Research Centre in Ranipur, Hardwar, India tested a mix of 2% neem oil mixed in coconut oil.They showed that applying that mixture to the skin provided significant protection from va rious mosquitoes. It worked best against anophelines, offering 96-100% protection. The malaria transmitting anopheles mosquitoes fall into this group. The numbers for other species were 85% for aedes (carries dengue fever), 61-94% for Culex spp. (can carry West Nile virus) and 35% for Armigeres. In 1996 the Malaria Research  Center  of Delhi, India did another field trial with kerosene lamps in an Indian village. Kerosene lamps with 1% Neem oil were kept burning from dusk to dawn in living rooms.They found that the lamps kept the mosquitoes out of the living rooms and that the malaria incidents of the population dropped dramatically (from about ten cases per thousand people to only one per thousand). Once the lamps were removed, the mosquitoes returned and so did the malaria. As for the safety of this method another 1996 study by the Malaria Research Centre in Delhi, India tested the effects of kerosene lamps with 1% neem oil. Clinical examination of 156 adults and 110 children did not reveal any major adverse effects after one year of exposure to 1% neem oil.This shows that depending upon  what species of mosquito you are dealing with, effectiveness of use varies. For malaria protection Neem oil is fantastic. If you combine the 96-100% protection rate of the home made mosquito repellent with burning Neem oil when sitting outside and wearing sensible clothing you are well protected indeed. A. Statement of the Problem. The number of victims of Malaria, Yellow Fever, and specially Dengue is drastically increasing as PIA or Philippine Information Agency has confirmed. B.Objective of the Study. This study aims to know if the neem oil used as incense added with herbs and other aromatic flowers will be an effective mosquito repellent. The main objective of this study is to know if our Neem Oil Incense along with other herbs will be enough to repel the mosquitoes from our skins and prevent them from biting us and for how long will it be able to repel the mosqui toes. C. Significance of the Study. This study is significant in solving problems relating the diseases brought by mosquitoes.The incense will repel the mosquitoes that carry diseases from the citizens living in areas with a large mosquito population. We will observe if the number of victims in a specific community will decrease once the incense is implied and used. Since our research is aiming if our Neem Oil Incense will be enough to prevent the mosquitoes from biting us, this shall help our community lessen victims of the notorious mosquitoes. METHODOLOGY A. The primary materials needed for this experiment are oil burner and neem oil. Sampaguita and lemon grass will be added to the neem oil to ensure an aromatic scent.The sampaguita and lemon grass does not necessarily affect the properties of neem in repelling the mosquitoes. B. Neem oil  is a  vegetable oil  pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem (Azadirachta indica), an  evergreen  tree which is  endemic   to the  Indian subcontinent  and has been introduced to many other areas in the tropics. You can buy neem oil in Research Agencies like the International Rice Research Institute located in UPLB, Phil. The sampaguita’s and lemon grass’s juices will be pressed with 1 ml of water until their juices are extracted.The juices of sampaguita and lemon grass will be added to the mixture. This will improve the scent of the neem mixture. The mixture will be placed in the oil burner. We will light the burners for 6-10 hours. There will be 3 cages each having two hours of difference. Cage A’s burner will be lit for 6 hours. Cage B’s burner will be lit for 8 hours. Lastly, Cage C’s burner will be lit for 10 hours. We will observe if the number of hours the burner will be lit has a great effect in the â€Å"repellance† of the neem oil.Since we are aiming on how to repel mosquitoes, we should know first how to attract them in order to know how effective our research will be. We will lure mosquitoes by putting on sweet-smelling lotions or creams. Invest in floral-smelling perfumes. To mosquitoes, these products are sweet-smelling like blood. These fragrances cause the mosquitoes to associate their floral scent for a possible blood supply. And then, as said earlier, we will test each cage with different number of hours. REFERENCES: Ways on how to attract a mosquito.Retrieved from: (http://www. ehow. com/how_8264153_attract-mosquito. html) Reviews of Related Literature. Retrieved from: (http://www. terawet. com/Mosquito_Control_by_Neem. html) Diagram of Comparison. Retrieved from: (http://www. doh. gov. ph/sites/default/files/2012Den28WMR. pdf) Information about Aedes. Retrieved from: (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Aedes) Information about Anopheles. Retrieved from: (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Anopheles) Information about Culex. Retrieved from: (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Culex)